Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Well, we finally reached our final destination!  After a rather quick four hour bus ride from Linz, we landed in Prague around 1:30 pm.  What a beautiful city!  It was a gorgeous day as we rolled in and the river looked spectacular as we crossed into the quarters near the main train station.  The high was 61 degrees yesterday, and will be so today and tomorrow as well.  What great luck!

After checking into our hotel, we had a few hours to do some exploring before our welcome dinner later.  Many of us went down towards the old city center.  The architecture was astounding.  I would say that Prague has officially taken my heart as one of the top European cities to simply look at.  Although graffiti was prevalent on nearly every building, the facades themselves were ornate and well preserved. 
Once in the city center, we saw many of the churches and I immediately recognized the astronomical clock.  Street venders attempted to pull us into their cafes and shops, as we walked by.  We eventually found a small back ally café where we had a couple Czech beers.  I ordered a darker one, which tasted delicious.  These reminded me of Belgian beers.  The lighter ones, however, were all pilsners, which are the most popular type in the Czech Republic.

Old Town Square

We arrived back at the hotel to depart for dinner around 6:00 pm.  Our host took us via tram to the base of a giant hill in Lesser Prague.  We all then climbed up the trails to the top, where our restaurant for the evening was located.  The Nebozizek was incredible.  We were up on the hill in the evening and the restaurant boasted a view of the city nightscape which was unbeatable.  We could see the entire city out the window as we ate.  It was an amazing meal too!  I had a delicious salad and lamb chops, followed by fruit dumplings, a famous Czech dessert.  Am. Maze. Zing.

We concluded the evening around 9:15pm and headed back to the hotel.  It was a great welcome to Prague!

Fruit Dumplings

Today we visit a crystal factory and do a tour of the city.  I’m just about to head down for breakfast, so I’ll report back later. 

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